broset's portrait

Chanbroset Prach

Software Engineer
@ .....

Basic stats


I'm Broset, graduating student @AIU. I explore and solve my idea with new technology.


Web Development (!PHP, ...), IoT, AI, Linux, and the other rest of the packs.


The things that I will continue to focus on when I am back on my feet. (not literally)

  • Personal website: remake my own personal website [Completion: 10%]
  • Logtree: optimizing the platform performance [Completion: 0%]
  • Golang: continue with the second project challenge [Completion: 0%]
  • BangleJS: learn back the basic [Completion: 0%]

To my college and mentor who had been showing me a lot of interesting application of programming that I wouldn't have discovered myself. Special thanks to @avanier for showing me around Linux, Vim, Tmux, I cannot see myself not using it and also the others @jakevits and @khazifire as well.


Below here are my current learning progression and project development.

  • NodeJS: Working on SPI Project
  • Python: Working on Student Portfolio project #Github
  • GoLang: Learning Syntax

What I have used so far:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, React.
  • Backend: !PHP, Micropython, Python, Nodejs, Django, Nextjs
  • Blockchain: Solidity, Vyper, Brownie, Ganache, and Infura (Used for class project)
  • DB: SQLite, Firebase, Prisma


SPI [Development]

System for Purchasing and Inventory: a web application that manages the records and details inventory as well as the purchasing order requests. Some of the noted features: passwordless sign in, pdf generation, multiple levels of accesses, etc...

Built with @nextjs, @prisma, @useSWR, @tailwind, @nextui
Collaborate with @khazifire


An web application that aims: Improve productivity and save important stuff, including:

  • Time tracker
  • Link Organizer
  • Note Keeper

Built with @nextjs, @prisma, @planetscale, and @tailwind.
Find out or test at Github



An web application that aims: Improve productivity and save important stuff, including:

  • Time tracker
  • Link Organizer
  • Note Keeper

Built with @nextjs, @prisma, @planetscale, and @tailwind.
Find out or test at Github


E-commerce platform that is built with Django Oscar + Tailwind. This platform is made for simulating software engineering project.
What we have added?

  • Added Account App - Storing points and saving vouchers
  • Added Extra - Dealing with Vouchers and Points
  • Added Voucher Page
  • Update styling and looks about 40% of total pages

Collaborate with Sven Gate, Khazifire, and Andreas Github

Traffic Optimizer

Developing a system to help ease the traffic congestion:

  • To check if there is any object in front of the sensors
  • To inform the control center about the sensor status
  • To reduce the traffic LED's green time

Built with @micropython, @mqtt, @esp32, Demo at Youtube

Schedule Schemer

An web application that helps institution automating class schedule for the students.

Built with Django, Find out or test at Github

Product ID

Product Identification System: develop a system to fight fake / copy brand

  • To allow anyone to check the product code to read the information
  • To allow company to key in product information and id
  • To display all the products of the company

Built with @django, @metamask, @web3, @vyper, @infura, @ganache Find out or test at Github

Vehicle Legal System

VLS, a.k.a Vehicle Legal System, is an assistant app for the organization administrators to keep track of the vehicle within their organization. VLS gives organization the ability to keep track of the legal information such as the Tax, Insurance, and other information as well. More than that, Administrators can posts their announcement or check the request notification from the other members within the organization as well.

Built with @react, @ionic, @firebase, Find out more Github

The Writer

The Writer built upon Wordpress + Divi Elegant Theme. I worked on for my summer course project. The Writer is mean to share The Writer's opinions across the web.

Built with @wordpress, @divieleganttheme, watch here at Youtube